🤖 How it Works

Use the most advanced AI to automatically convert your videos, audio, podcasts, and transcripts into articles, saving you time and money.

1. Import Transcript

Start by importing your transcript. Automatic import from YouTube is supported.

2. Generate Article

Click the Generate button and our AI will begin generating your fully formatted & structured article based on the content of your transcript.

Convert Video to Article
Example YouTube Video

Example Conversion

This 📺 YouTube video was converted to an 📝 article in just minutes. The video is 7 minutes long and contains many facts and figures that need to be cited.
Example YouTube Transcript Import
First, transcript is automatically imported from 📺 YouTube.This process is fully automatic.
Transcript not coming from YouTube? No problem: simply paste your transcript in and let the AI generator do the rest.
Example Sources
Next, sources that need to be cited in the 📝 article are pasted in. As the article is generated, sources are automatically linked to the original source.
Example Article Generation
Now the 🤖 AI generator does its magic. It will automatically generate a fully structured and formatted 📝 article that is ready to be copied and pasted in to any blog/publishing platform or document.
We can make small edits and changes as needed, which will help guide the AI generation. The 🤖 AI will automaticlly pick up on our writing style and intended structure.
Example Article Output
The final result is an 📝 article with beautiful, rich media and a clean, easy to read layout. All of our sources are cited and linked to the original source.
With the help of AI, all of this is done in a matter of minutes, and the article is ready to be read by our audience.

🧙 Live Demo

Check out our live demonstration showing how easy it can be to convert YouTube videos to articles using AI:

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